Contagem de Movimentos Fetais
Here's How:
Choose a time of day.
Get a watch.
Get a piece of paper and pen or pencil.
Mark a line for every movement your baby makes within 30 minutes.
If your baby moves 10 times before 30 minutes, you're done.
If you have fewer than 10 movements in 30 minutes continue.
This time lay on your left side.
Eat something.
If you still do not have 10 movements in the next 30 minutes, call your practitioner. Tips:
Wait until at least 28 weeks before beginning this testing.
Choose a time of day your baby is usually active.
Ask your midwife or doctor for variations on this testing.
Choose a time of day.
Get a watch.
Get a piece of paper and pen or pencil.
Mark a line for every movement your baby makes within 30 minutes.
If your baby moves 10 times before 30 minutes, you're done.
If you have fewer than 10 movements in 30 minutes continue.
This time lay on your left side.
Eat something.
If you still do not have 10 movements in the next 30 minutes, call your practitioner. Tips:
Wait until at least 28 weeks before beginning this testing.
Choose a time of day your baby is usually active.
Ask your midwife or doctor for variations on this testing.